Work Package | Leader | Name | Deputy | Name |
1. Management |
Coen Ritsema |
Luuk Fleskens WUR |
2. Spatial analysis of farming systems and soil indicator ranges across pedo-climatic zones in Europe and China |
Gergely Toth |
3. Analysis of existing soil quality indicator systems and field experiments to fill knowledge gaps |
Paul Maeder |
4. Development of an easily applicable tool to assess and monitor quality of agricultural soils |
Luuk Fleskens |
Coen Ritsema WUR |
5. Multi-stakeholder case study inventories of soil quality and selection of innovative practices |
Abdallah Alaoui |
Tatenda Lemann |
6. Testing, evaluating and demonstrating measures to improve soil quality and crop production and yield stability |
Gottlieb Basch |
7. Upscaling of practices and assessing soil environmental footprint at the level of Europe and China |
Ana Iglesias |
8. Policy analysis and recommendations to support CAP environmental objectives |
Catherina Bowyer |
9. Dissemination and communication |
Jane Brandt |
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