SQAPP: the soil quality app  ¦  Official Launch Preview


Briefing paper Assessing soil quality in agro ecosystems

The iSQAPER project and its teams are proud to announce the official launch of SQAPP: the soil quality app on 5 December 2020,  in celebration of World Soils Day.

SQAPP is the flagship product of the iSQAPER research programme; an innovative soil quality app for mobile devices developed, tested, evaluated and improved by farmers, agricultural service providers, scientists and policy makers.


  • Gives users free access to soil maps and contextual soil quality information.
  • Assesses the most probable threats to soil quality with explicit links between soil quality status and agricultural management.
  • Provides targeted advice on how to improve soil quality status with different agricultural management practices.
  • Has the capacity for users to interact with the databases, uploading local data to refine the soil quality analysis and recommendations.

For more information see  »iSQAPERiS SQAPP the soil quality app

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